


Oi Codigo: 31 - Oi
Telefónica Codigo: 15 - Telefónica
Brasil Telecom Codigo: 14 - Brasil Telecom
Embratel Codigo: 21 - Embratel
Intelig Codigo: 23 - Intelig
CTBC Codigo: 12 - CTBC
Distrito Federal
Espírito Santo
Mato Grosso
Mato Grosso do Sul
Minas Gerais
Rio de Janeiro
Rio Grande do Norte
Rio Grande do Sul
Santa Catarina
São Paulo
Brasilia: - 61
Río de Janeiro: - 21
Sao Paulo: - 11
Salvador de Bahía: - 71
Belo Horizonte: - 31
Fortaleza: - 88
Curitiba: - 41
Recife: - 81
Puerto Alegre: - 51
Manaos: - 92
Campinas: - 19
Goiânia: - 62
Belén: - 91
San Luís: - 98
Florianópolis: - 48
Cuiabá: - 65
Country Code: 55
International Call Prefix: 00 xx -
In Brazil, long distance and international dialing requires the use of carrier selection codes, after the trunk code or international access code. The places where these codes are inserted are shown here by "xx" Some of these codes are:

15 for Telefónica
14 for Brasil Telecom
21 for Embratel
23 for Intelig
31 for Oi
12 for CTBC
Area codes are distributed geographically (See List of Brazilian area codes for a list). National dialing is prefixed with 0 (the trunk code) followed by the carrier code (see above) then the area code and the number. For example, to call Rio de Janeiro from another city in Brazil, one would dial the trunk code '0', a two-digit code, the area code '21' and the subscriber's number. Consequently, a Rio de Janeiro number would be displayed in Brazil as

 - 0xx21 - xxxx xxxx.

Mobile phone numbers are within the normal area codes but prefixed with the digit '6', '7', '8' or '9'. They have eight digits (including the 6/7/8/9). Exceptions existed in Brasilia up to 2004.

Country Code: +55
International Call Prefix: 00 then Carrier Code
Trunk Prefix: 0 then Carrier Code

List of area codes in Brazil for telephone dialing. The areas are distributed geographically, with the main cities in each area highlighted.

Phone numbers in Brazil observe an eight-digit patern nnnn-nnnn - (except for nine-digit mobile phone numbers in some area codes of São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Espírito Santo states). Area codes have two digits, and are often notated in parentheses: (aa) nnnn-nnnn - .

1 - State of São Paulo - State of São Paulo
11 - Greater São Paulo
12 - Vale do Paraíba Paulista
13 - Baixada Santista
14 - Bauru / Marília
15 - Sorocaba
16 - Ribeirão Preto
17 - São José do Rio Preto
18 - Presidente Prudente
19 - Greater Campinas
2 - States of Rio de Janeiro and Espírito Santo
Rio de Janeiro (21, 22 and 24)
21 - Greater Rio de Janeiro / Teresópolis
22 - Campos dos Goytacazes / Cabo Frio / Nova Friburgo (eastern Rio de Janeiro state)
23 - not used -
24 - Volta Redonda / Petrópolis / Angra dos Reis (western Rio de Janeiro state)
25 and 26 - not used -
Espírito Santo (27 and 28)
27 - Vitória / Linhares (central and northern Espírito Santo)
28 - Cachoeiro de Itapemirim (southern Espírito Santo)
29 - not used -
3 - State of Minas Gerais -
31 - Greater Belo Horizonte / Ipatinga
32 - Juiz de Fora
33 - Governador Valadares / Teófilo Otoni
34 - Uberlândia / Uberaba
35 - Poços de Caldas / Varginha
36 - not used -
37 - Divinópolis
38 - Montes Claros / Diamantina
39 - not used -
4 - States of Paraná and Santa Catarina -
Paraná (41 to 46) -
41 - Greater Curitiba / Paranaguá
42 - Ponta Grossa / Guarapuava
43 - Londrina
44 - Maringá
45 - Foz do Iguaçu / Cascavel
46 - Francisco Beltrão / Pato Branco
Santa Catarina (47 to 49)
47 - Joinville / Blumenau / Itajaí / Jaraguá do Sul / Balneário Camboriú (northeastern Santa Catarina)
48 - Florianópolis / São José / Palhoça / Criciúma / Tubarão (southeastern Santa Catarina)
49 - Lages / Chapecó / Concórdia / Joaçaba / Xanxerê / São Miguel do Oeste (western Santa Catarina)
5 - State of Rio Grande do Sul
51 - Greater Porto Alegre / Torres / Santa Cruz do Sul (eastern Rio Grande do Sul)
52 - not used -
53 - Pelotas / Rio Grande / Bagé (southern Rio Grande do Sul)
54 - Caxias do Sul / Passo Fundo (northeastern Rio Grande do Sul)
55 - Santa Maria / Uruguaiana / Cruz Alta (western Rio Grande do Sul)
56 to 59 - not used -
6 - Central-West Region and states of Tocantins, Acre and Rondônia
Distrito Federal (61) -
61 - entire Federal District (Brasília) and neighbouring towns in the state of Goiás
Goiás (62 and 64)
62 - Greater Goiânia / Anápolis (northern Goiás)
64 - Rio Verde / Caldas Novas (southern Goiás)
Tocantins (63)
63 - entire State of Tocantins (cap. Palmas)
Mato Grosso (65 and 66)
65 - Cuiabá (southwestern Mato Grosso)
66 - Rondonópolis / Sinop (eastern and northwestern Mato Grosso)
Mato Grosso do Sul (67)
67 - entire State of Mato Grosso do Sul (cap. Campo Grande)
Acre (68)
68 - entire State of Acre (cap. Rio Branco)
Rondônia (69)
69 - entire State of Rondônia (cap. Porto Velho)
7 - States of Bahia and Sergipe
Bahia (71, 73-75, 77)
71 - Greater Salvador
72 - not used -
73 - Ilhéus / Itabuna / Porto Seguro / Teixeira de Freitas (southeastern Bahia)
74 - Juazeiro / Jacobina (northwestern Bahia)
75 - Feira de Santana / Alagoinhas (northeastern Bahia)
76 - not used -
77 - Vitória da Conquista / Barreiras (southwestern Bahia)
78 - not used -
Sergipe (79)
79 - entire State of Sergipe (cap. Aracaju)
8 - Northeast Region -
Pernambuco (81 and 87)
81 - Greater Recife / Caruaru / Fernando de Noronha (eastern Pernambuco)
87 - Petrolina / Garanhuns (western and central Pernambuco)
Alagoas (82)
82 - entire State of Alagoas (cap. Maceió)
Paraíba (83)
83 - entire State of Paraíba (cap. João Pessoa)
Rio Grande do Norte (84)
84 - entire State of Rio Grande do Norte (cap. Natal)
Ceará (85 and 88)
85 - Greater Fortaleza
88 - Juazeiro do Norte / Sobral (southern, central and northwestern Ceará)
Piauí (86 and 89)
86 - Teresina / Parnaíba (northern Piauí)
89 - Picos / Floriano (southern Piauí)
9 - North Region and the state of Maranhão
Pará (91, 93 and 94)
91 - Greater Belém (northeastern Pará)
93 - Santarém (western Pará)
94 - Marabá (southeastern Pará)
Amazonas (92 and 97)
92 - Greater Manaus (western Amazonas)
97 - Coari / Tefé / Tabatinga (eastern and central Amazonas)
Roraima (95)
95 - entire State of Roraima (cap. Boa Vista)
Amapá (96) -
96 - entire State of Amapá (cap. Macapá)
Maranhão (98 and 99) -
98 - Greater São Luís (northern Maranhão)
99 - Imperatriz / Caxias (southern Maranhão)
Telephone numbers in Brazil
ITU allocations list
All DDI (international) and DDD (Brazil) telephone numbers - Find all area codes to make a call in Brazil or anywhere in the world (in Portuguese)
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